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Data Collection for State School Nurse Consultants

The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health (NCCVEH) at Prevent Blindness partnered with the National Association of State School Nurse Consultants (NASSNC) to conduct a survey to collect information from State School Nurse Consultants (SSNCs) on how their states collect, store, and report data on vision screening, referrals for eye care, and tracking of follow-up treatment. Currently, there is no federal requirement for surveillance of vision screening, eye care and treatment for preschool- or school-aged children. Compounding this issue is the lack of a national repository of data collected by the states. Therefore, State School Nurse Consultants and others have developed their own systems for data collection and surveillance.

Read the fact sheets to learn more about results of a 24 question survey on such topics as vision screening regulations and practices, reporting requirements, uses of the data, challenges of current data collection systems and recommendations for improved surveillance.

Vision Screening Practices and Data Collection: Results from a Survey of State School Nurse Consultants – Part 1

Vision Screening Practices and Data Collection: Results from a Survey of State School Nurse Consultants – Part 2