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Technical Assistance

the NCCVEH has provided national leadership, education, training, and coordination to support the development of a coordinated public health infrastructure to promote and ensure a comprehensive, multi-tiered continuum of vision care and eye health for young children. This approach leads to a uniform implementation of successful screening and referral programs, increased follow-up to care, improved surveillance, reduced vision health disparities, stakeholder engagement…and, ultimately, improved vision health for children.

The NCCVEH offers technical assistance on the local, state, regional and national levels on evidence-based vision screening procedures, evidence-based screening tools, program evaluation and needs assessments, and strategies to improve screening referral completion and support for vision treatment in early childhood education, Head Start programs and schools. The NCCVEH is available to assist with policy development, survey question design and vision health program development.

If you have questions about vision and eye health screening, referrals  and follow up or need assistance with developing or revising vision screening guidelines, etc. or have any other questions about children’s vision and eye health, please complete this form.