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Disclaimer Notice

The information provided on Prevent Blindness’s website is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and his or her doctor.

The information and recommendations contained in Prevent Blindness’s website have been compiled from sources considered to be accurate. The information is provided with the understanding that Prevent Blindness and its affiliates are not engaged in rendering professional eye care services through its distribution. Prevent Blindness and its affiliates do not intend that this web site serve as a complete resource for eye health, eye care or eye safety information, or as a substitute for professional eye care advice.

Product Endorsement

Prevent Blindness has a long-standing policy against endorsing specific products or services. While Prevent Blindness does recommend a variety of eye health and safety measures and practices, please be aware that the organization does not conduct testing or certification of any products, services or merchandise.

Any use of Prevent Blindness’s name for promotional purposes must be approved in writing prior to use by contacting us at [email protected], or by calling (800) 331-2020, or by writing to us at:

Prevent Blindness
211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700
Chicago, Illinois 60606.


Prevent Blindness does not include any advertisements for third party products or services on its Web site. The only products and services advertised are those sold or offered by Prevent Blindness.


The Prevent Blindness website includes several sections sponsored by corporations. The logo of each section’s sponsor, with link to that sponsor’s Web site, is clearly identified on every sponsored page. Prevent Blindness thanks its sponsors for their generous support of our efforts to provide the best-quality online health information possible.

All sections of our website adhere to the same high standards of scientific review, whether sponsored or not. Questions about corporate sponsorship can be addressed to [email protected], or call 1-800-331-2020 in the U.S.

Prevent Blindness’s affiliates may have additional corporate sponsors for their respective Web pages. Please refer to the affiliate website for details.